Gluten free Christmas Pizza

Who say’s a pizza can’t be festive and sprouts don’t belong on one? As with any pizza you can of course adjust the toppings to your taste but I love this fun take. There are some good gluten free pizza bases that you can buy but I always make my own, you can find my recipe here.

My toppings of choice are sliced gammon, Brussels sprouts and pig in blankets.

Gluten free Christmas Pizza

Gluten free Christmas Pizza

5 from 2 votes
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Servings 6


  • 1 Gluten free Pizza Base
  • 1 Small jar of Passata
  • 100g Grated Mozzarella cheese
  • 4 Brussels Sprouts
  • 6 Pigs in blankets
  • Thin slices of gammon


Prep the base

  • Once you have made your base or opened the brought on, add some passata and spread it evenly over the base. Then sprinkle the cheese, covering the passata.

Prep the toppings

  • For the sprouts, parboil them for 5 minutes. Allow them to cool and slice in half. Scatter on the pizza.
  • In a preheated oven at 180c fan, cook the pigs in blankets for 5 minutes. Then place them on top of the pizza and scatter the gammon.

Cook the pizza

  • Bake the pizza until the the cheese bubble and goes golden.