Dippy eggs and Soldiers

I deliberated quite a bit about posting this recipe. It’s not really gluten-free specific other than the bread for toast. That said, I love eggs, especially dippy and with toasted soldiers to dip in. I’m not sure if they are called dippy eggs and soldiers across the globe but in the UK we call them just that, especially if you are a 38 year old child :D.

The toast is referred too as soldiers as it is cut in the thin strips in an orderly fashion. It is buttered and perfect to dip into your runny, boiled egg. For me, the perfect egg, whether boiled, fried or poached, should have a runny yolk and firm whites.

The keep your eggs in the fridge debate

I have always kept my eggs out of the fridge. After all you do not find them in fridge in the supermarket but I know some people do. Due to this, I have added two cooking times below. One is for chilled eggs as they need longer to cook and the other, for non-chilled. You should also keep in mind that when the eggs are cold, the shell can crack more easily when it hits hot water. Which camp do you belong too? Have your say in the comments below.

Boiling your eggs for room temperature

Runny egg: Boil for 4 minutes
Soft boiled egg: Boil for 5 minutes
Hard boiled eggs: Boil for 7 minutes

Boiling your eggs straight out of the fridge

Runny egg: Boil for 5 minutes
Soft boiled egg: Boil for 6 minutes
Hard boiled eggs: Boil for 8 minutes

Top tip

It goes without saying, buy the best quality, free range eggs. You want a strong, deep yellow- orange yolk which is fully of flavour. A happy and healthy chicken lays the best tasting eggs.

The recipe:

I’m not following my usual format for my recipes in this article. All you need is one of two free range eggs, a medium saucepan with boiling water (enough to cover the eggs) and gluten-free toast.